Thursday, October 18, 2012

How to create a new Cartridge Template in Endeca

To create a new Cartridge Template
1.Create a new xml file “MainContent-ProfilePage.xml” of type MainContent in /d02/endeca/apps/your_application/config/cartridge_templates
In the ContentTemplate tag, specify type as “MainContent” and id as “ProfilePage”
<ContentTemplate xmlns=”″
Enter Description of the template
<Description>Displays Customer Profile Information.</Description>
Specify ContentItem and EditorPanel values.
2. Go to /d02/endeca/apps/your_application/control folder
3. Run the following command

To create a view for the template created
1. Create a new folder “ProfilePage”(The name should be the id of the template created) in /d02/endeca/ToolsAndFrameworks/3.1.0/reference/your_application/WEB-INF/views/desktop
2. Create a jsp with the same name of the folder. Here it should be ProfilePage.jsp
out.println(“You are in the Profile Page now!!!”);
To create a new page using Experience Manager
1. Go to the url,
2. Enter username and password, select application and click Login button
3. Click on Experience Manager
4. Click on the drop down menu and select Add Page
 5. Enter name and click Create
6. Page Details page displays, click select template
7. Select Two Column Page template (Template for the page, we want to create) and click OK.
 8. Select main content and click Add

 for further details please visit the knowledge section in