You can change the look and feel of the catalog and shopping cart pages by modifying their bin layouts. The seeded pages are divided into bins. Several bins display the content of seeded JSPs. The catalog and shopping cart pages also have bins without seeded source files. You can associate these bins with custom source files to customize the pages’ appearance.
Each bin is listed as a separate logical template in the Oracle iStore template manager.
You can change the bin placement or content in the following ways:
_ Change the profile options that are related to the catalog bins.
For example
You can use the following profile options to enable or disable the section page bins:
_ IBE: Use Global Bin
_ IBE: Use Section Bin
_ IBE: Use Section Path
_ IBE: Use Welcome Bin
_ Associate JSPs with the seeded logical bin templates.
To customize templates for your store, perform the following tasks after planning your web page designs:
_ Gain an understanding of the recommended and/or mandatory page flows through your specialty stores.
_ Create template source files (JSPs) for pages or for blocks within pages. If you are implementing multiple languages, create source files in each of the languages which you plan to support. Or, copy the seeded
JSPs (save with a new name) and apply your modifications; then, map the new JSP to the page flow through Template Manager.
_ Choose Oracle iStore template names.
_ Register templates in the Store Administration UI.
_ Assign template source files to templates.
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